Sunday, April 22, 2012

We've gotta do something!!

So today, like any other Sunday, I was searching around the web in a attempt to find the newest episode of Avengers:EMH (which I had missed because some idiot at Disney decided that the best time to air it was on a Sunday morning...) when my world was turned upside down. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, arguably the best Marvel cartoon since the Spectacular Spiderman, is going to be canceled. My first thought was, this can't be true, so I googled and sure enough there were articles everywhere about it ( and in case you don't believe me, go ahead and try it.). My second was, the head of Marvel is a freaking idiot.

AEMH is one of the best cartoons out there and is definitely one of Marvel's best cartoons ever. It's something pretty much every nerd out there can love, from the 4th grader to the 55 year old. It's the show that my little brother and I watch together and the one that introduced him to the amazing world that is Marvel. They've already done this to us once with the cancellation of Spectacular Spiderman, which was very popular and had awesome ratings, now they're going to take away this.

 According to different sources, once AEMH is canceled they are going to replace it with a show by the same people who made Ultimate Spiderman, which is just a awful Teen Titans wannabe. So here it is, my fellow AEMH nerds, we need to raise the roof. Buy toys, watch it on Netflix, sign a petition ( I know there is one floating around there somewhere), watch it when it premieres, email/text/call the head guy of Disney and Marvel till they can't sleep. We've got to do something to save this awesome TV show when were surrounded by such horrible ones.

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